AuthorJackson, Charles James, Sir, 1849-1923.
TitleEnglish goldsmiths and their marks, a history of the goldsmiths and plate workers of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with over thirteen thousand marks reproduced in facsimile from authentic examples of plate and tables of date-letters and other hall-marks used in the essay offices of the United kingdom, by Sir Charles James Jackson.
Edition2d ed., rev. and enl.
PublishedLondon, Macmillan and co. limited, 1921.
Descriptionxvi, 747 p. : front., illus. ; 31 cm.
SubjectsGoldwork -- Great Britain.
Plate -- Great Britain -- History.
Silverwork -- Great Britain.
LC Card Number22-12012
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: NK 7143 J15
mq112807: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 61124]