AuthorEdwards, Jonathan, 1703-1758.
TitleA history of the work of redemption: comprising an outline of church history. By President Edwards.
PublishedNew York, American Tract Society [1839?]
Description444 p. 15 cm.
SeriesThe Evangelical family library, v.9
General NoteAdded t.-p. engraved, with vignette.
Originally a series of sermons preached in Northampton in 1739, edited after the author's death, from his manuscripts, by John Erskine and published in Edinburgh, 1774.
Other AuthorsErskine, John, 1721-1803, ed.
OrganizationsAmerican Tract Society
LC Card Number38-33142
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: BT 775 E218
mq66369: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 42194]