AuthorPhilosophical Society of Texas.
TitleProceedings of the annual meeting - Philosophical Society of Texas.
PublishedDallas, Philosophical Society of Texas. 1937-
Dates of Publication[1]- 1937-
Descriptionv. 24 cm.
General NoteTitle varies slightly.
Num. Peculiar.Two meetings held in 1937, Jan. 29 and Dec. 4.
Proceedings for 1937-42 issued without volume numbering.
SubjectsPhilosophical Society of Texas.
Other TitlesKey title: , ISSN 0190-7352 (Non-ISBD)
LC Card Number42-40738//r50
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 27 B P56
mq145853: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

(Dec 4, 1943)
[Record 82872]