AuthorMcMurtrie, Douglas C. (Douglas Crawford), 1888-1944.
TitleA note on North Carolina printing history, by Douglas C. McMurtrie.
PublishedChicago, Priv. print., 1928.
Description6 p. 23 cm.
General Note"Of this booklet, there have been printed ... two hundred and fifty copies only."
Includes a letter fron Adam Boyd to Isaiah Thomas, dated Wilmington, Dec. 2, 1789, relative to the two men associating themselves together in the printing business.
SubjectsPrinting -- North Carolina -- History.
LC Card Number29-9082
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Z 209 N75 M2
mq118986: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 67260]