AuthorChapman, F. W. (Frederick William), 1806-1876.
TitleThe Chapman family: or The descendants of Robert Chapman, one of the first settlers of Say-brook, Conn., with genealogical notes of William Chapman, who settled in New London, Conn.; Edward Chapman, who settled at Windsor, Conn.; John Chapman, of Stonington, Conn.; and Rev. Benjamin Chapman, of Southington, Conn. By Rev. F. W. Chapman.
PublishedHartford, Case, Tiffany and Co., 1854.
Description414 p. pl., port., facsim., coat of arms. 23 cm.
SubjectsChapman family.
Chapman family (Benjamin Chapman, 1725-1786)
Chapman family (Edward Chapman, d. 1675)
Chapman family (John Chapman, d. 1760)
Chapman family (Robert Chapman, 1616-1687)
Chapman family (William Chapman, d. 1699)
LC Card Number03-6540
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Chapman family
mq191953: Family histories, open stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 123448]