TitleThe Code of 1650, being a compilation of the earliest laws and orders of the General court of Connecticut: also, the constitution, or civil compact, entered into and adopted by the towns of Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield in 1638-9. To which is added some extracts from the laws and judicial proceedings of New-Haven colony commonly called Blue laws.
PublishedHartford, Conn., S. Andrus, 1832.
Description119 p. incl. front. 16 cm.
General Note"Taken from the original records remaining in the office of the secretary for the state."--Advertisement, p. [5]
SubjectsSunday legislation -- Connecticut.
OrganizationsConnecticut (Colony) Constitution, 1639.
New Haven (Conn.). Laws, statutes, etc.
Related TitlesBlue laws.
LC Card Number39-11323
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 7 DA C752B
mq56852: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 38307]