AuthorHistorical Records Survey (U.S.).
TitleAmerican imprints inventory, compiled by WPA Historical records survey program, Division of professional and service projects, Work projects administration. Location symbols for libraries in the United States, additions and corrections, January, 1941.
PublishedUniversity, La., Hill memorial library, Louisiana state university, 1941.
Description3 p. l., 36 numb. l. 28 cm.
General NoteReproduced from type-written copy.
SubjectsLibraries -- United States -- Abbreviations.
OrganizationsLibrary of Congress. Union catalog.
LC Card NumberCanceled: 39029351
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Z 731 A2 H6 1941
mq101873: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 58109]