AuthorMiles Merwin (1623-1697) Association.
TitleMiles Merwin (1623-1697) Association.
Published[Milford, Conn., Miles Merwin (1623-1697) Association], 1960-
Dates of Publication[1st] issue (1960)-
Descriptionv. ill. 23 cm.
SubjectsMerwin family -- Periodicals.
Miles Merwin (1623-1697) Association.
Other TitlesKey title: , ISSN 0363-3934 (Non-ISBD)
Miles Merwin (sixteen hundred and twenty-three-sixteen hundred and ninety-seven) Association
LC Card Number60-39198
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Merwin family, Red File
mq175297: Family histories, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

2nd issue (June, 1963)
[Record 106957]