TitleThe Ships and aircraft of the U.S. fleet.
PublishedNew York, N.Y. : Herald-Nathan Press, c1939-
Dates of Publication[1st ed.]-
Descriptionv. : ill. ; 24-26 cm.; 18 x 25 cm.
General NoteSome issues have titles: The Ships and aircraft of the United States fleet; The Ships & aircraft of the U.S. fleet.
Vols for 1941-1945 have specific edition names (i.e. Two-ocean fleet ed., War ed., 2nd War ed., Victory ed.) but constitute 2nd-5th ed., respectively.
Vols. for 1939 published by: Herald-Nathan Press; 1941-1958 by: Ships and Aircraft; 1965-<1975> by: Naval Institute Press.
Place of publication varies.
Compiled by: James C. Fahey: 1939-1965.
Latest issue consulted: 10th ed., published 1975.
SubjectsAirplanes, Military -- United States -- Periodicals.
United States. Navy -- Lists of vessels -- Periodicals.
Warships -- United States -- Periodicals.
Other AuthorsFahey, James C. (James Charles), 1903-
OrganizationsUnited States Naval Institute.
Other TitlesISSN 0080-9292 = The Ships and aircraft of the United States fleet (AACR 2)
Ships and aircraft of the United States fleet
Ships & aircraft of the U.S. fleet
Later TitlesContinued by: Naval Institute guide to the ships and aircraft of the U.S. fleet
LC Card Number65-20822
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: VA 61 S557
mq230941: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 139672]