TitleThe Watchman of the valley.
PublishedCincinnati, [Ohio] : James B. Walker, 1841-1849.
Dates of Publication^<0x95>Vol. 1, no. 27 (Mar. 4, 1841)-
^<0x95>Ceased with Mar. 22, 1849 issue.
Descriptionv. ; 59 cm.
General Note"Presbyterian." Cf. Gutgesell, S. Guide to Ohio newspapers, 1974.
SubjectsPresbyterian Church in the U.S.A. -- Newspapers.
Previous TitlesContinues: Cincinnati observer
Later TitlesContinued by: Central watchman
LC Card Numbersn85-42278
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: 34 H1.3 067
mq224458: Newspapers, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

(Mar 4 (v. 1, no. 27)-Aug 26, 1841
Oct 2, 1845 (v. 6, no. 1)-Sep 24, 1846)
[Record 135441]