AuthorDavis, Jonathan, 1786?-1846.
TitleHistory of the Welsh Baptists, from the year sixty-three to the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy. By J. Davis.
PublishedPittsburgh, D. M. Hogan, 1835.
Descriptioniv, [5]-204 p. 19 cm.
General Note"Though the most part is a translation (abridged) of Thomas's History of the Baptists in Wales ... we have collected all that we deemed interesting from every other author that we could find on the subject."--Pref.
SubjectsBaptists -- Wales.
Other AuthorsThomas, Joshua, 1719-1797. Hanes y Bedyddwyr.
LC Card Number45-51991
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: BX 6291 D262H
mq16292: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 9555]