AuthorHarris, Alexander, b. 1827.
TitleA review of the political conflict in America, from the commencement of the anti-slavery agitation to the close of southern reconstruction; comprising also a résumé of the career of Thaddeus Stevens: being a survey of the struggle of parties which destroyed the republic and virtually monarchized its government ... By Alexander Harris.
PublishedNew York, T.H. Pollock, 1876.
Descriptionvii, [9]-517 p. 24 cm.
SubjectsStevens, Thaddeus, 1792-1868.
United States -- History -- 1849-1877.
United States -- Politics and government -- 1849-1877.
LC Card Number08-33643
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: E 415.7 H313
mq100359: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 56599]