AuthorWyeth, S[amuel] D[ouglas]
TitleThe rotunda and dome of the U. S. Capitol. By S. D. Wyeth.
PublishedWashington, D.C., Gibson brothers, printers [c1869]
Descriptionvii, 115-231 p. incl. plates, phot. pl., 2 photos. (incl. front.) 23 cm.
General NoteRunning title, "The federal city." Probably a continuation of the work of that name, published in Washington in 1865, and containing 108 pages.
SubjectsUnited States Capitol (Washington, D.C.)
LC Card Number07-6857
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Pam. W1181
mq186072: Pamphlets, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 117575]