TitleThe Cambrian.
PublishedUtica, N.Y. : T.J. Griffiths, [1881-1919]
Dates of PublicationV. 1, no. 1, Jan./Feb. 1880- v. 39, Nov. 1919?
Description39 v. : ill. ; 24-32 cm.
FrequencySemimonthly 1909-1919
General Note"Published in the interest of the Welsh people and their descendants in the United States, devoted to history, biography, and literature."
Title from caption.
Description based on: v. 1, no. 5 [(Sept./Oct. 1881)]
Iss. Body NoteImprint varies: in Cincinnati, by D.I. Jones.
SubjectsOhio imprints -- 1881-1884.
Welsh in the United States -- Periodicals.
LC Card Number06-21232//r28
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: E 184 W4 C2
mq54571: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

v. 1, no. 1-2, 4-6
v. 2, no. 1-v. 4, no, 12
v. 7-11
v. 17 (Jan-Apr, Jul-Aug 1880
Aug-Nov 1881
Jan 1992-Dec 1884
[Record 36585]