Author | Central Conference of American Rabbis.
Title | Retrospect and prospect; essays in commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1889-1964. Edited by Bertram Wallace Korn.
Published | New York, 1965.
Description | xvi, 272 p. 22 cm.
Bib. Note | Includes bibliographical references.
Formatted Note | Contents: Preface, by B. W. Korn.--The history of the Conference, by S. L. Regner.--Theological developments, by B. J. Bamberger.--The Union prayer book: a study in liturgical development, by L. H. Silberman.--The Conference stance on social justice and civil rights, by R. B. Gittelsohn.--The Conference considers relations between religion and the state, by E. Lipman.--The Conference view of the position of the Jew in the modern world, by A. J. Lelyveld.--The Conference and Jewish religious education, by L. Fram.--The Conference and the organized American Jewish community, by D. M. Eichhorn.--The changing role of the rabbi, by J. K. Shankman.--Summary and prospect, by L. I. Feuer.
Subjects | Judaism.
Other Authors | Korn, Bertram Wallace. ed.
LC Card Number | 65-20282 |
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: BM 42 C397 mq16305: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 9568] |