Author | United States. Bureau of the Census.
Title | General statistics of cities: 1916, including statistics of parks, playgrounds, museums and art galleries, zoological collections, music and entertainments, swimming pools and bathing beaches, and other features of the recreation service.
Published | Washington D.C., Government Printing Office, 1917.
Description | 88 p. illus., maps (part fold) 30 cm.
General Note | Prepared under the supervision of Starke M. Grogan, Arthur J. Hirsch, Lemuel A. Carruthers, and A.H.O. Rolle. The text discussion was prepared under the immediate supervision of Morris J. Hole.
Subjects | Amusements -- United States. Cities and towns -- United States -- Statistics.
Other Authors | Grogan, Starke McLaughlin, 1880- Hirsch, Arthur J. Carruthers, Lemuel A. Rolle, August H. O. Hole, Morris J.
LC Card Number | 17-26664 |
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: HA 730 A1 A5 1916 mq81677: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 47869] |