AuthorBeach, Helen, b. 1842.
TitleThe descendants of Jacob Sebor, 1709-1793, of Middletown, Connecticut. Complied by Helen Beach.
Published[n.p.] 1923.
Description108 p. 1 l., 23 cm.
General NotePages 52-57 left blank.
Contains also the ancestry of the De Koven, Winthrop, Shirreff, Isaacs, Peiret, Prudden, Webber Jans, Kiersted-Smedes, Bryan, Beach, Wadsworth, Otis Ritchie, Otis-Leroy, Alsop, Olivier, Ingersoll, Shepard, Sherwood, Eaton-Jones, Bloant and Watts families.
SubjectsAlsop family.
Beach family.
De Koven family (Johann Ludwig Christoph de Koven, b. 1748)
Ritchie family.
Sebor family.
Sebor family (Jacob Sebor, 1709-1793)
Smedes family.
Winthrop family.
Winthrop family (John Winthrop, 1587-1649)
LC Card Number24-6792
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Sebor family (Red File)
mq200433: Family histories, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 131801]