TitleMissions; American Baptist international magazine.
Published[Bristol, Conn., etc., American Baptist Convention, etc.] 1910-1967.
Dates of Publicationv. 1-38, Jan. 1910-Dec. 1947; v. 146-165, no. 4, Jan. 1948-Apr. 1967.
Description58 v. ill., ports. 25-28 cm.
FrequencyMonthly (except July and Aug.) Apr. 1933-1967
General NoteSubtitle varies.
Editor: Jan. 1910- H. B. Grose.
Num. Peculiar.Continues volume numbering of its predecessors with vol. 146, Jan. 1948.
Iss. Body NoteVols. for Jan.-Mar. 1910 published by American Baptist Missionary Union, American Baptist Home Mission Society, and American Baptist Publication Society.
Apr. 1910-Oct. 1919, by American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, American Baptist Home Mission Society, and American Baptist Publication Society (<July 1912>-Oct. 1919 also by Woman's American Baptist Home Mission Society; <July 1912>-July 1914, also by Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Society of the West; Aug. 1914-Oct. 1919, also by Woman's American Baptist Foreign Mission Society).
Nov. 1919-Jan. 1920, by the Administrative Committee of the General Board of Promotion of the Northern Baptist Convention.
Feb.-Dec. 1920, by the American Baptist Publication Society.
Jan. 1921-July 1924, by the General Board of Promotion of the Northern Baptist Convention.
Sept. 1924-<May 1934,> by the Board of Missionary Cooperation of the Northern Baptist Convention.
<Sept. 1934>-June 1950, by the Northern Baptist Convention.
Sept. 1950-Apr. 1967, by the American Baptist Convention.
Complex NoteFormed by the union of: Baptist missionary magazine, and: Baptist home mission monthly, and: Good work.
SubjectsBaptists -- Missions -- Periodicals.
Other AuthorsGrose, Howard B. (Howard Benjamin), 1851-1939.
OrganizationsAmerican Baptist Convention.
American Baptist Foreign Mission Society.
American Baptist Foreign Mission Society.
American Baptist Home Mission Society.
American Baptist Publication Society.
Woman's American Baptist Home Mission Society.
Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Society of the West.
Woman's American Baptist Foreign Mission Society.
American Baptist Convention.
Later TitlesContinued by: Mission
LC Card Number12-18349
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: BV 2520 B227
mq139746: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

Copy: 1
v. 1, no. 1-7 (Jan-Jul 1910)
v. 8, no. 4-5, 7 (Apr-May, Jul 1917)
v. 9, no. 4 (Apr 1918)
[Record 76793]