Author | Richardson, Holden Chester, 1878-
Title | Flying boats / [by] Capt. Holden C. Richardson, Wellwood E. Beall, [and] Charles W. Manly.
Published | New York : National Aeronautics Council, 1942.
Description | iv, 122 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
General Note | "Authoritative description of seaplanes and amphibian craft, flying boats, marine equipment, testing, etc."
Formatted Note | Contents: Big flying boats, by H.C. Richardson--Development of the flying clipper ship, by W.E. Beall--Piloting flying boats and amphibians, by H.C. Richardson.--Handling of all types of seaplanes afloat, by H.C. Richardson--Equipment for launching and beaching large flying boats, by C.W. Manly--Shipboard catapults, by H.C. richardson--Testing flying boats, by H.C. Richardson.
Subjects | Seaplanes.
Other Authors | Beall, Wellwood E. (Wellwood Edmesiton), b. 1906. Manly, Charles W.
Organizations | National Aeronautics Council (U.S.)
LC Card Number | a44-1411 |
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: TL 684.3 R522 mq229007: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 138165] |