TitleHistory today.
Published[London, s.n.]
Dates of Publicationv. [1]- Jan. 1951-
Descriptionv. ill., ports. 25 cm.
General NoteEditors: 1951- P. Quennell, A. Hodge.
Cit./Ref. NoteIndexed in its entirety by: Humanities index ISSN: 0095-5981; Magazine index 1959-; Readers' guide abstracts (microform) ISSN: 0886-0092; Readers' guide to periodical literature ISSN: 0034-0464.
SubjectsHistory -- Periodicals.
Other AuthorsQuennell, Peter, 1905-
Other TitlesKey title: History today, ISSN 0018-2753 (Non-ISBD)
LC Card Number53-39027
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: P 4034
mq189622: Local class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 121120]