AuthorLockley, Fred, 1871-
TitleTo Oregon by ox-team in '47; the story of the coming of the Hunt family to the Oregon country and the experiences of G.W. Hunt in the gold diggings of California in 1849, by Fred Lockley.
PublishedPortland, Or., F. Lockley [1924?]
Description15 [1] p. 23 cm.
General NoteCover title.
Condensed from the account furnished by Jeptha T. Hunt of Marion Co., Or.
SubjectsHunt family.
Other AuthorsHunt, Jeptha T., 1862-
LC Card Number24-15726
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Hunt family, Red File
mq85394: Family histories, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 48989]