TitlePapers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
PublishedBoston : Cupples, Upham and Co., 1885-1897.
Dates of PublicationVol. 1 (1882-1883)-v. 6 (1890-1897).
Description6 v. : ill. ; 24 cm.
General NoteEach vol. has also a distinctive title.
At head of title: Archaeological Institute of America.
The papers in v. 5-6 appeared previously in the American journal of archaeology, ser. 1, v. 5-11.
Included in v. 1-5 are statements concerning the school, regulations of the school, etc., dated Jan. 1885, Jan. 1888, Feb. 1892.
Complex NoteA summary of v. 1-6, with contents, may be found in the American journal of archaeology, ser. 2, v. 1, 1897, Appendix, p. 110-111.
The various separate publications of the American Institute of Archaeology, and its schools were continued in 1897 by the American journal of archaeology, ser. 2.
SubjectsClassical antiquities -- Societies, etc.
Greece -- Antiquities -- Societies, etc.
OrganizationsArchaeological Institute of America.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Later TitlesContinued in part by : American journal of archaeology
LC Card Numbersn84-46077
Canceled: 25012104
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: DF 11 A512
mq42590: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 29049]