AuthorOrem, Preston D.
TitleBaseball, from the newspaper accounts / by Preston D. Orem.
PublishedAltadena, Calif. : P.D. Orem, [1961]-<c1967>
Descriptionv. : illus. ; 23-28 cm.
General NoteIncludes accounts "published the day after the game, meeting or other event."
Includes index.
Formatted NoteIncomplete Contents: [1]. 1845-1881 -- [2]. 1882 -- [3]. 1883 -- [4]. 1884 -- [5]. 1885 -- [6]. 1886 -- [7]. 1887 -- [8]. 1888 -- [9]. 1889 -- [10]. 1890 -- [11]. 1891; Index 1882-1891.
SubjectsBaseball -- History -- Chronology.
Baseball -- United States -- History -- 19th century -- Chronology.
LC Card Number61-29680
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: GV 863 A1 O663
mq125752: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 69470]