AuthorKansas Academy of Science. Meeting.
TitleTransactions of the ... annual meetings of the Kansas Academy of Science.
PublishedTopeka, Kan. : Kansas Pub. House, 1883-1901.
Dates of PublicationVol. 8 (1881-1882)-v. 17 (1899-1900).
Description10 v. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Cit./Ref. NoteIndexed selectively by: Chemical abstracts ISSN: 0009-2258.
Num. Peculiar.Vols. for 1881-1899-1900 cover 14th and 15th-32nd and 33rd annual meetings.
Summary NoteSummary: Vols. for 1881/82- include the Report of the secretary.
Cum. Index NoteIndexes: Vol. 1 (1872)-v. 17 (1900), with v. 18.
SubjectsKansas Academy of Science.
Science -- Societies, etc.
Previous TitlesContinues: Kansas Academy of Science.
Later TitlesContinued by: Kansas Academy of Science.
LC Card Number99-111910
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Q 11 K14
mq42619: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

v. 13-v. 17 (1891/92-1899/00)
[Record 62241]