AuthorGreenville Baptist Church (Leicester, Mass.)
TitleThe Greenville Baptist church in Leicester, Massachusetts. Exercises on the 150th anniversary of its formation, September 28, 1888, including a historical discourse by the pastor [H.C. Estes] and addresses commemorative of its first pastor, Rev. Thomas Green, M.D.
PublishedWorcester, C.F. Lawrence & co., printers, 1889.
Description[3]-126 p., lā„“. col. front. 23 cm.
General NoteAt head of title: 1738-1888.
SubjectsChurches -- Massachusetts -- Leicester.
Green, Thomas, 1699-1773.
Greenville Baptist Church (Leicester, Mass.)
Other AuthorsEstes, Hiram Cushman, 1823-1901.
LC Card Number01-11410/REV
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 5 Y L526 G7
mq82387: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 48579]