AuthorGreen, Samuel Abbott, 1830-1918,
TitleJohn Foster, the earliest American engraver and the first Boston printer, by Samuel Abbott Green. Pub. by the Massachusetts Historical Society at the charge of the Waterston Fund, no. 2.
PublishedBoston, 1909.
Description4 p. ℓ., [3]-149 p. illus., 2 port., 2 maps, facsim. 27 cm.
Bib. Note"Bibliographical list of titles printed by Foster": p. [55]-134.--"Engravings by Foster": p. [137]--"List of shortened titles printed by Foster": p. [139]-140.--"Titles probably printed by Foster": p. [141]
SubjectsFoster, John, 1648-1681.
OrganizationsMassachusetts Historical Society.
LC Card Number09-27402
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Z 232 F755G
mq81097: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 47291]