AuthorChapin, Walter, 1779-1827.
TitleThe missionary gazetteer, comprising a view of the inhabitants, and a geographical description of the countries and places, where Protestant missionaries have labored; alphabetically arranged, and so constructed as to give a particular and general history of missions throughout the world; with an appendix, containing an alphabetical list of missionaries, their stations, the time of entering, removal, or decease. By Walter Chapin.
PublishedWoodstock [Vt.] Printed by D. Watson, 1825.
Description420 p. front. (fold. map) 18cm.
Missions -- History.
LC Card Number33-22661
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: BV 2120 C4
mq53960: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 35980]