AuthorLindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974.
Title"We," by Charles A. Lindbergh; the famous flier's own story of his life and his transatlantic flight, together with his views on the future of aviation, with a foreword by Myron T. Herrick.
PublishedNew York, London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1927.
Description318 p. front., plates, ports. 21 cm.
General Note"A little of what the world thought of Lindbergh, by Fitzhugh Green": p. 233-318.
SubjectsLindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974.
Other AuthorsGreen, Fitzhugh, 1888-1947.
LC Card Number27-15660//r904
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: TL 540 L742 A3
mq32078: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 24959]