AuthorPenrose, Charles, 1886-
TitleWhether in New Hampshire or in South Dakota.
PublishedNew York, The Newcomen Society of England, American Branch, 1945.
Description28 p. illus. (1 mounted) 23 cm.
General Note"Commencement address, based upon biographical data on Judge Samuel Blodget...delivered before South Dakota State School of Mines, at Rapid City, South Dakota, U. S. A., on June 30, 1944."
"First printing: April 1945."
SubjectsBlodget, Samuel, 1724-1807.
OrganizationsNewcomen Society (Great Britain). American Branch
LC Card Number46-15556
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: CT 275 B579P
mq142879: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 79918]