Author | Cuyahoga County (Ohio). Regional Planning Commission.
Title | New gems for the Emerald Necklace; an inventory, analysis, and recommendation to the Board of Park Commissioners, Cleveland Metropolitan Park District for new park acquisitions, primarily for the year l980.
Published | [Cleveland] 1961.
Description | 96p. illus.,maps(1 fold. in pocket) tables. 28cm.
Subjects | Cleveland imprints -- 1961 Metropolitan Parks System (Cleveland, Ohio) Parks -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
Organizations | Cleveland Metropolitan Park District. Board of Park Commissioners.
LC Card Number | 61-16631 |
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: F 34 ZJG C993N mq51287: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 19596] |