AuthorDe Kruif, Paul, 1890-1971.
TitleSeven iron men, by Paul De Kruif.
PublishedNew York, Harcourt, Brace and company [c1929]
Descriptionxiv, 241 p. front., illus. (facsims.) plates, ports., maps (1 double) 23 cm.
General NoteThe story of the iron-hunting family of Merritts, pioneers of northern Minnesota.
First published in the issues of the Country gentleman from April to August, 1929, inclusive.
Bib. Note"Sources of information": p. 230-236.
SubjectsIron mines and mining -- Minnesota.
Merritt family.
Merritt, Leonidas, 1844-1926.
Mesabi Range (Minn.)
LC Card Number29-20416
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