Author | International congress of anthropology. (1893: Chicago)
Title | Memoirs of the International congress of anthropology. Ed. by C. Staniland Wake, on behalf of the publication committee.
Published | Chicago, The Schulte Publishing Co., 1894.
Description | 1 p. ℓ., v-xix, 19-375 p. illus., 6 pl. 25 cm.
General Note | --Fillmore, J.C. Primitive scales and rhythms.--Peet, S.D. Secret societies and sacred mysteries.--Richardson, C.H. Observations among the Cameroon tribes of West Central Africa.--Mason, O.T. Ethnological exhibit of the Smithsonian Institution at the World's Columbian exposition.--Cushing, F.H. The germ of shoreland pottery.--Newell, W.W. Ritual regarded as the dramatization of myth.--Mathews, W. Some illustrations of the connection between myth and ceremony.--Hale. H. The fall of Hochelaga.--Kunz, G.F. Folk-lore of precious stones.--Chamberlain, A.F. The coyote and the owl.--Jastrow, M. The scope and method of the historical study of religions.--Stevenson, S.Y. An ancient Egyptian rite illustrating a phase of primitive thought.--Stevenson, M.C. A chapter of Zuñi mythology.--Parry, F. The religious symbolism of Central America and its wide distribution.--Adler, C. Museum collections to illustrate religious history and ceremonials. --Brinton,D.G. The present status of American linguistics.--Boas, F. Classification of the languages of the North Pacific Coast.--Hassler, E. Die bewohner des Gran-Chaco, Paraguay.--Kraus, F.S. Vilen als heilkundige im volkglauben der Suedslaven.
Formatted Note | Contents: Brinton, D.G. The "nation" as an element in anthropology.--Boas, F. The anthropology of the North American Indian.--West, G.M. The anthropometry of American school children.--Mercer, H.C. The discovery of an artificially flaked flint specimen in the quaternary gravels of San Isidro, Spain.--Mason, O.T. Aboriginal American mechanics.--Perkins G.H. Archæological researches in the Champlain Valley.--Smith, H.I. Anthroplogical work at the University of Michigan.--Montes, E. The antiquity of the civilization of Peru.--Lumholtz, C. Cave-dwellers of the Sierra Madre.--Lewis, A.L. Orientation.--Phené, J.S.D. The Tumuli of Hampshire as a central group of the tumuli of Britain.-- Holmes, W.H. Natural history of flaked stone implements.--Volk, E. Cache finds from ancient village sites in New Jersey.--Brinton D.G. On various supposed relations between the American and Asian races.--Hough, W. Bark cloth.--Fletcher, A.C. Love songs among the Omaha Indians.
Subjects | Anthropology -- Congresses.
Other Authors | Wake, C. Staniland (Charles Staniland), 1835-1910.
LC Card Number | 04-27528 |
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: GN 3 I61 mq112615: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 60933] |