Author | Partington, Wilfred George, 1888- comp.
Title | Smoke rings and roundelays, blendings from prose and verse since Raleigh's time, selected and annotated by Wilfred Partington; with woodcuts by Norman Janes.
Published | New York, Dodd, Mead and company., 1925.
Description | xvi, 319 p. 19 cm.
General Note | Title vignette; head-pieces.
Bib. Note | "A bibliographical guide to the authors and their works": p. 301-[320]
Subjects | English literature. Smoking. Tobacco.
LC Card Number | 25-26563 |
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: GT 3020 P273 mq141679: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 78720] |