Author | United States. National Archives and Records Service.
Title | The formation of the Union; a documentary history based upon an exhibit in the National Archives Building.
Published | Washington, National Archives Trust Fund Board, National Archives and Records Service, 1970.
Description | 80 p. illus., facsims. 30 cm.
Series | National Archives publication (Washington, D.C.) ; no. 70-13. National Archives publication no. 70-13
General Note | 1952 ed. issued by National Archives.
Subjects | Constitutional history -- United States -- Sources. United States -- Politics and government -- Sources.
Organizations | National Archives (U.S.) Formation of the Union, an exhibit.
LC Card Number | 72-607019//r973 |
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: JK 4 U58 mq29176: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 22063] |