Formatted Note | Contents: New England reformers, by R. W. Emerson.--The northern attack on slavery, by A. Craven.--The abolitionists and psychology, by M. B. Duberman.--The psychology of commitment: the constructive role of violence and suffering for the individual and for his society, by S. S. Tomkins.--The Anglo-American world of humanitarian endeavor, by F. Thistlethwaite.--Religious benevolence as social control, 1815-1860, by C. S. Griffin.--Charles Grandison Finney, by W. G. McLoughlin.--Religious groups and political parties, by L. Benson.--Temperance, status control, and mobility, 1826-1860, by J. R. Gusfield.--The emergence of immediatism in British and American antislavery thought, by D. B. Davis.--Romantic reform in America, 1815-1865, by J. L. Thomas.--Selective bibliography (p. 177-180)