AuthorSeaver, James E. (James Everett), 1787-1827.
TitleLife of Mary Jemison: Deh-he-wā-mis. By James E. Seaver.
Edition4th ed., with geographical and explanatory notes.
PublishedNew York, Auburn, Miller, Orton & Mulligan; Rochester, D.M. Dewey, 1856.
Description312 p. incl. front., plates. 18 cm.
General NoteFirst edition published under title: A narrative of the life of Mrs. Mary Jemison ... Canandaigua, 1824.
SubjectsGenesee River Valley (Pa. and N.Y.)
Indians of North America -- Captivities.
Jemison, Mary, 1743-1833.
Seneca Indians
LC Card Number10-27922
Call Number/Copies 
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