AuthorOdiorne, James Creighton, 1802-1879.
TitleGenealogy of the Odiorne family in America. Rev. in 1966 by David Walter Odiorne. Published by a family committee: Harold and Julia Odiorne, Norman and Daisy Odiorne, Milo and Betty Odiorne.
PublishedAnn Arbor, Mich., Arbortown Book Co., 1967 [c1966]
Description293 p. illus., coat of arms, map. 22 cm.
Bib. NoteBibliography: p. 245-248.
SubjectsOdiorne family.
Other AuthorsOdiorne, David Walter, 1902-
LC Card Number66-28204
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Odioborne family
mq195733: Family histories, open stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 127103]