Title | "Mutual protection" : the story of New York Central Mutual Association : a century of service, 1869-1969.
Published | Cleveland, Ohio : The Association, 1969.
Description | 38 p. : ill., map. ; 23 cm.
General Note | Organized in 1869 as the Lake Shore Railway Mutual Life Insurance Association.
Subjects | Cleveland imprints -- 1969 Friendly societies -- United States. Lake Shore and Southern Michigan Railroad -- Employees -- Societies, etc. New York Central Mutual Association -- History. New York Central Railroad -- Employees -- Societies, etc. Railroads -- United States -- Employees -- Societies, etc.
Organizations | New York Central Mutual Association.
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: Pam. M1438 100705.7: Pamphlets, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 139255] |