Box |
Folder |
23 |
8 |
Abdul-haqq, Rashidah, plaintiff class representative 1993-1997 |
23 |
9-10 |
Agendas 1985-1999 |
23 |
11 |
Audit review committee letter; Audit review committee meeting; Chronology of efforts completed by the Cleveland Public Schools
(CPS) to meet the language arts model requirement; Citizens League report on attitudes of parents; Cleveland defendants' and
Cleveland Teachers' Union's (CTU) involuntary transfer proposals; Cleveland defendants' article regarding Vision 21 1993-1994
23 |
12 |
Cleveland defendants' draft joint motion for an order regarding compliance; Cleveland defendants' draft of first report on
stipulation conferences; Cleveland defendants' draft proposal regarding involuntary transfers for teacher assaults; Cleveland
defendants' expert opinion letters; Cleveland defendants' general fund budget and Vision 21 budget cuts; Cleveland defendants' involuntary student transfer forms 1993-1995
23 |
13 |
Cleveland defendants' letter indicating that plaintiffs' approval of magnet school plan is not a waiver to subsequently object;
Cleveland defendants' letter regarding stipulation conference; Cleveland defendants' letter to plaintiffs regarding plaintiffs'
position of involuntary student transfers; Cleveland defendants' levy strategy; Cleveland defendants' magnet school proposal
for federal funding; Cleveland defendants' memo from Halasa to Brown; Cleveland defendants' memo of understanding to state
regarding meeting its remedial obligations 1993-1994
23 |
14 |
Cleveland defendants' modifications of district level cabinet level administrative structure; Cleveland defendants' plan to
secure state support for controlling board loan; Cleveland defendants' proposed tripartite approval modification; Cleveland
defendants' racial balancing proposal; Cleveland defendants' report on phase I 1993-1995
23 |
15 |
Cleveland defendants' request letter for streamlining of reporting; Cleveland defendants' request of state defendants for
changes in remedial obligations; Cleveland defendants' revised budget estimate regarding Vision 21; Cleveland defendants' revised draft motion regarding stipulation as to compliance with remedial orders; Cleveland defendants'
submission letter to federal government; Cleveland defendants' Vision 21 implementation plan; Cleveland defendants' Vision 21 revised line item budget 1993
23 |
16-20 |
Cleveland Public Schools, correspondence 1980-2000 |
Box |
Folder |
24 |
1-6 |
Cleveland Public Schools, correspondence 1980-2000 |
24 |
7-20 |
Cleveland Public Schools, reports 1972-1999 |
Box |
Folder |
25 |
1-19 |
Cleveland Public Schools, reports 1972-1999 |
Box |
Folder |
26 |
1-19 |
Cleveland Public Schools, reports 1972-1999 |
Box |
Folder |
27 |
1-14 |
Cleveland Public Schools, reports 1972-1999 |
27 |
15 |
Cleveland Teachers' Union proposal regarding board's fiscal condition; Conference calls/hearing notes 1992-1995 |
27 |
16-20 |
Defendants' attorneys, correspondence 1978-2000 |
Box |
Folder |
28 |
1-3 |
Defendants' attorneys, correspondence 1978-2000 |
28 |
4 |
Environmental Safety Company, correspondence; Green, Robert-paper regarding African American males and the Cleveland Public
Schools 1994 1995
28 |
5 |
In-court negotiations regarding Vision 21; Joint report to court regarding stipulations and compliance; Joint report of parties regarding compliance with the remedial
order; Letters regarding stipulation meetings and conference notes 1993 1997
28 |
6 |
Meetings 1993-1994 |
28 |
7-8 |
Miscellaneous correspondence 1978-1999 |
28 |
9-18 |
Miscellaneous documents regarding Reed v. Rhodes 1977-1999
28 |
19 |
Miscellaneous reports regarding Reed v. Rhodes 1983-1994
Box |
Folder |
29 |
1 |
Miscellaneous reports regarding Reed v. Rhodes 1983-1994
29 |
2 |
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) correspondence; NAACP orientation meeting; NAACP position
regarding Vision 21; NAACP statement regarding Vision 21 1982-1997
29 |
3 |
Newspaper clippings and newsletters 1978-1990 |
29 |
4 |
Newspaper clippings and newsletters 1991-1996 |
29 |
5 |
Newspaper clippings and newsletters 1997-1998 |
29 |
6 |
Newspaper clippings and newsletters 1999-2000 |
29 |
7 |
Office on School Monitoring and Community Relations (OSMCR) clarification letter regarding defendant's compliance with remedial
orders; OSMCR concerns/questions regarding Vision 21 1993
29 |
8-12 |
OSMCR correspondence 1981-2000 |
29 |
13 |
OSMCR forum message for publication; OSMCR letter suggesting streamlining reporting and requesting statistical data 1993 |
29 |
14-22 |
OSMCR reports 1977-2000 |
Box |
Folder |
30 |
1-3 |
OSMCR reports 1977-2000 |
30 |
4 |
OSMCR response to Mark O'Neill letters; OSMCR selected dates of proposed activities; O'Neill, Mark-objection letter regarding
vestiges as an agenda item 1993-1994
30 |
5-12 |
Outside experts' reports 1985-1997 |
30 |
13 |
Parent Power of Cleveland correspondence; Plaintiffs' answers to state interrogatories; Plaintiffs' approval of amendment
to student handbook regarding weapons brought to school 1985-1986 1993 1995
30 |
14 |
Plaintiffs' approval of Cleveland reorganization; Plaintiffs' approval of indicators of effectiveness for counseling and career
guidance; Plaintiffs' approval letter of magnet school program; Plaintiffs' approval of student handbook 1993 1995
30 |
15-18 |
Plaintiffs' attorneys, correspondence 1985-1997 |
30 |
19 |
Plaintiffs' class representatives letter of criticism to Hardiman and Atkins; Plaintiffs' concerns regarding budget reductions;
Plaintiffs' exhibit list regarding proficiency test hearing; Plaintiffs' letters articulating reorganization concerns; Plaintiffs'
letter to state regarding Cleveland defendants' refusal to comply with racial balance aspects of consent decree; Plaintiffs'
memo regarding Vision 21; Plaintiffs' motion for extension of time to respond to motion for permissive intervention; Plaintiffs' proposal regarding
levy; Plaintiffs' representatives comments regarding Vision 21; Plaintiffs' responses to stat defendants' interrogatories regarding vestiges 1993-1994 1996
30 |
20 |
Pre-trial/trial letters; Proposed budget reduction; Proposed draft modification to consent decree; Proposals from interested
groups regarding proposed budget cuts; Public forum meeting 1994-1997
30 |
21 |
Report to Plaintiffs' class representatives regarding status conference 1993 |
30 |
22 |
Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, correspondence 1994-1999 |
Box |
Folder |
31 |
1 |
State defendants' approval of amended student handbook; State defendants' approval of magnet schools program; State defendants'
approval of student handbook; State defendants' approval of superintendent's cabinet reorganization; State defendants' approval
of unfinished compliance agenda reporting on a semi-annual basis; State defendants' commitments to Cleveland regarding Vision 21; State defendants' expert opinion letter regarding Vision 21; State defendants' letter advising parties that no levy will be pursued; State defendants' letter to Lumpkin, Parrish, and
Aldridge regarding classification of conditions for state to support loan request by Cleveland board; State defendants' letter
to Lumpkin and Parrish regarding student assignment; State defendants' letter to Parrish and Lumpkin regarding clarification
and state support of Cleveland loan request 1993-1995
31 |
2 |
State defendants' letter to Parrish and Lumpkin regarding request for revised expenditure plan; State defendants' letter regarding
use of experts by Cleveland defendants to establish vestiges; State defendants' management plan to ensure compliance with
extant orders, consent decree, and proficiency agreement 1993-1995
31 |
3 |
State defendants' proposal regarding inter-district transfers; State defendants' proposed budget reductions 1994 |
31 |
4 |
State defendants' response to Plaintiffs' letter regarding additional information on reorganization 1996 |
31 |
5 |
State defendants' review and recommendations regarding Cleveland defendants' proposed budget cuts; State defendants' school
survey regarding levy 1994-1995
31 |
6 |
State of Ohio Department of Education, correspondence 1989-1998 |
31 |
7 |
State superintendent's letter requesting report on where Cleveland defendants will be spending desegregation funds; Status
conference; Stipulation conference 1993-1994
31 |
8 |
Trial experts' correspondence 1993-1997 |
31 |
9 |
Vision 21 1993