720 XTF Search Results (subject=Indians of North America;subject-join=exact;smode=advanced;brand=default;f1-subject=Mississippi River Valley -- Description and travel;f2-subject=West Indies -- Description and travel);subject-join%3Dexact;smode%3Dadvanced;brand%3Ddefault;f1-subject%3DMississippi%20River%20Valley%20--%20Description%20and%20travel;f2-subject%3DWest%20Indies%20--%20Description%20and%20travel Results for your query: subject=Indians of North America;subject-join=exact;smode=advanced;brand=default;f1-subject=Mississippi River Valley -- Description and travel;f2-subject=West Indies -- Description and travel Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT A voyage to North-America: undertaken by command of the present king of France ; containing the geographical description and natural history of Canada and Louisiana ; with the customs, manners, trade and religion of the inhabitants ; a description of the lakes and rivers, with their navigation and manner of passing the Great Cataracts. Charlevoix, Pierre-Franðcois-Xavier de, 1682-1761 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT