720 XTF Search Results (freeformQuery=subject:jew* -jewett;smode=advanced;f1-subject=Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.;f2-subject=Jewish bankers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.;f3-subject=Federation of the Jewish Charities (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections.)*%20-jewett;smode%3Dadvanced;f1-subject%3DJews%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland%20--%20Photographs.;f2-subject%3DJewish%20bankers%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland%20--%20Photographs.;f3-subject%3DFederation%20of%20the%20Jewish%20Charities%20(Cleveland,%20Ohio)%20--%20Photograph%20collections. Results for your query: freeformQuery=subject:jew* -jewett;smode=advanced;f1-subject=Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.;f2-subject=Jewish bankers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.;f3-subject=Federation of the Jewish Charities (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Abraham Stearn Photographs. Stearn, Abraham Abraham Stearn (1847-1921) was a Cleveland, Ohio-born philanthropist and financier. He joined Moses, Levy and Co., a fancy goods and toy store, in 1868. It became Levy and Stearn in 1872 and Stearn and Co., ca. 1905. Stearn was a director of the Society for Savings, the American Savings Bank and other institutions. He was a trustee of the Foundation of Jewish Charities and of the Jewish Orphan Asylum. He married Bertha Rohrheimer in 1876. The collection consists of individual portraits of Abraham Stearn; individual and group portraits of family members, friends, and associates; views of the Abraham Stearn residences on Case Avenue and Magnolia Drive; exteriors of the Levy and Stearn Department Stores on Superior Avenue and on Euclid Avenue;and portraits of the officers of the Federation of Jewish Charities. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT