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Hawley family. in subject [X]
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1Title:  C.A. Hawley Papers     
 Creator:  Hawley, C. A. 
 Dates:  1820-1840 
 Abstract:  C. A. Hawley was a resident of Monroe, Connecticut. The collection consists of a copybook containing poems (some initialed C. A. Hawley), remedies, recipes, the constitution and bylaws of the Dover Debating Society, and the ancestry of the Hawley family by a child (probably a daughter) of Elisha Hawley (b. 1768) and Nancy Blackman Hawley (b. 1772). 
 Call #:  MS 3905 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Hawley, C. A. | Hawley family. | Debates and debating -- Connecticut -- Monroe -- Societies, etc. | Cookery, American. | Formulas, recipes, etc.
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