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Business -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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Business -- Ohio -- Cleveland.[X]
Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
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1Title:  Acme-Cleveland Corporation Records, Photographs, and Audio/Visual Materials, Series II     
 Creator:  Acme-Cleveland Corporation 
 Dates:  1825-1996 
 Abstract:  The Acme-Cleveland Corporation was formed In Cleveland, Ohio, by the merger in 1968 of Cleveland Twist Drill Company, a manufacturer of high-speed drills and metal cutting tools, and the National Acme Company, a manufacturer of automatic multiple-spindle lathes and screw machines. Cleveland Twist Drill was founded in 1876 by Jacob D. Cox II, son of a Civil War general and former governor of Ohio, and Francis F. Prentiss. The company became a leader in the manufacture of superior-grade high-speed twist drills. By 1936 it was the world's largest maker of high-speed drills and reamers, flourishing under Jacob D. Cox, Jr., who pioneered profit-sharing and authored two books on wage theory. National Acme originated in Hartford, Connecticut, as the Acme Screw Machine Company in 1895, makers of the first commercially successful automatic multiple-spindle screw manufacturing machine. Acme Screw merged with National Manufacturing Co. in 1901 to become National Acme Manufacturing Company, which purchased the Windsor Machine Company to become National Acme Company in 1916. The collection consists of financial reports, ledgers, shareholder meetings, company newsletters, marketing material, and correspondence, particularly those of Francis F. Prentiss, who was president of Cleveland Twist Drill between 1904 and 1911. There is also a large collection of photographs and glass plate negatives, approximately 1000 images, related to both Cleveland Twist Drill Company and National Acme Company and a 16mm film. 
 Call #:  MS 5378 
 Extent:  38.00 linear feet (54 containers and 5 oversize folders) 
 Subjects:  Business -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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