| Book | Requires cookie* | 2 | Title: | The western address directory: containing the cards of merchants, manufacturers, and other business men, in Pittsburgh, (Pa.) Wheeling, (Va.) Zanesville, (O.) Portsmouth, (O.) Dayton, (O.) Cincinnati, (O.) Madison, (Ind.) Louisville, (K.) St. Louis, (Mo.) ; together with historical, topographical & statistical sketches, (for the year 1837,) of those cities and towns in the Mississippi valley ; intended as a guide to travellers ; to which is added, alphabetically arranged, a list of the steam-boats on the western waters
| | | Creator: | Lyford, W. G. (William Gilman), 1784-1852 | | | Publication: | Printed by J. Robinson, Baltimore,1837. | | | Notes: | An account of a journey by stage-coach and steamboat, from Baltimore to St. Louis. "Alphabetical list of steamboats on the western waters": p. 461-468. | | | Call #: | F25J L984 | | | Extent: | 468 p. ; 18 cm. | | | Subjects: | Steamboats | United States -- Description and travel -- 1783-1848 | Mississippi River Valley | Pittsburgh (Pa.) -- Description
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