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Parsons family. in subject [X]
Western Reserve (Ohio) -- Surveys. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Samuel Holden Parsons Papers     
 Creator:  Parsons, Samuel Holden 
 Dates:  1760-1830 
 Abstract:  Samuel Holden (1735-1789) was a Connecticut lawyer, legislator and militia colonel who became a general and commander of the 6th Connecticut Regiment of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. The collection consists of correspondence, enlistment papers, military appointments, orders, commissaries' accounts, supply orders, commissions, surveys of Western Reserve lands, accounts, receipts, legal papers, an index, a list of goods for Indian trade, and an orderly book. 
 Call #:  MS 3204 
 Extent:  0.40 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Parsons, Samuel Holden, 1735-1789. | Parsons family. | Soldiers -- Connecticut -- Correspondence. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- Surveys. | United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Sources.
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