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Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America. in subject [X]
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Yeshivat Ṭelz (Wickliffe, Ohio). in subject [X]
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American Greetings Corporation. (1)
Hebrew Academy (Cleveland, Ohio) (1)
Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America.[X]
Jewish businesspeople -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Sapirstein family. (1)
Sapirstein, Jacob, 1884-1987. (1)
Yeshivat Ṭelz (Wickliffe, Ohio).[X]
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1Title:  Jacob Sapirstein Papers     
 Creator:  Sapirstein, Jacob 
 Dates:  1913-1987 
 Abstract:  Jacob Sapirstein was the founder and president of American Greetings Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio, and a noted Jewish philanthropist. He emigrated from Poland to the United States in 1905, and settled in Cleveland in 1906. Starting out as a seller of Cleveland picture postcard scenes, he expanded the business to include greeting cards. By 1932, the Sapirstein Card Company began designing and manufacturing its own cards. In 1938, the company changed its name to American Greetings Publishers, and in 1952 to American Greetings Corporation. Jacob Sapirstein remained president of the company until 1960, when his son, Irving Stone, succeeded him. The collection consists of correspondence relating to business operations, philanthropic relationships with various Jewish communal institutions, and family. Information concerning various Orthodox Jewish communal institutions Sapirstein was involved with include the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and the Telshe Yeshiva in Wickliffe, Ohio. 
 Call #:  MS 4581 
 Extent:  0.60 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Sapirstein, Jacob, 1884-1987. | Sapirstein family. | American Greetings Corporation. | Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society of America. | Hebrew Academy (Cleveland, Ohio) | Yeshivat Ṭelz (Wickliffe, Ohio). | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jewish businesspeople -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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