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Cozad family. in subject [X]
Hammond family. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Jonathan Hale Family Papers     
 Creator:  Hale, Johnathan Family 
 Dates:  1763-1950 
 Abstract:  Jonathan Hale (1777-1854) was an early settler of Bath, Ohio. His grandson, Charles Oviatt Hale (1850-1938) became an Ohio state representative. The collection consists of correspondence, legal documents, financial papers, historical and biographical sketches, addresses, verse, newspaper clippings, account books, journals of pioneer life, and diaries, relating to Jonathan and Charles O. Hale and other members of the Hale family. 
 Call #:  MS 3115 
 Extent:  3.90 linear feet (9 containers and 2 oversize volumes) 
 Subjects:  Cozad family. | Hale family. | Hammond family. | Mather family. | Hale, Jonathan, 1777-1854. | Frontier and pioneer life -- Ohio -- Bath. | Bath (Ohio : Township) -- History. | Bath (Ohio : Township) -- Biography.
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