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Cleveland (Ohio) -- Manufactures. in subject [X]
Warren (Ohio) -- Commerce. in subject [X]
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Adams, Asael, 1786-1852. (1)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Manufactures.[X]
Warren (Ohio) -- Commerce.[X]
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1Title:  Asael Adams Family Papers     
 Creator:  Adams, Asael Family 
 Dates:  1819-1858 
 Abstract:  Asael Adams (1786-1852), born in Canterbury, Connecticut, migrated to Liberty, Ohio, near Warren, in 1802. Was succesively hunter and trapper, Cleveland's first full-time school teacher, mail carrier from Cleveland to Pittsburgh, and owner of general store. Married Lucy Mygatt of Canfield, Ohio. Became involved in the Western Reserve real estate market prior to his death in 1852. Adams' second son, Comfort Avery Adams, born in 1816 in Warren, Ohio, succeeded Asael as proprietor of the general store until after 1852. He then was successively a postmaster, tax collector, newspaper editor, and then started a clothing manufacturing business in Cleveland. He died in 1901, and is buried in Lakeview Cemetary. The collection consists of a memorandum and account book, receipts, promissory notes, agreements, and stock certificates. 
 Call #:  MS 4146 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Adams, Asael, 1786-1852. | Warren (Ohio) -- Commerce. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Manufactures.
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