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Ratner family in subject [X]
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Forest City Enterprises, Inc. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Albert Ratner Papers     
 Creator:  Gift of Albert Ratner 
 Dates:  1929-2017 
 Abstract:  Albert B. Ratner, was born in Cleveland in 1927. Albert married Faye Katz (1931-1978) in 1950 and had two children, Deborah Ratner (b. 1959) and Brian Ratner (b. 1957). Faye was killed in an automobile accident in 1978. Albert later married Audrey Gilbert Pritzker (b. 1928) in 1981. In the 1950s, Albert joined the family business, Forest City Materials, which had been established as a lumber and building materials company back in the 1920s. He continued to serve in numerous positions at Forest City until the company was purchased by Brookfield Asset Management in 2018. Albert has served on the governing boards of numerous local, state, and international business and cultural organizations. His community involvement and philanthropic activities have been widely recognized by organizations and agencies such as Builders Magazine, the Business Hall of Fame of Cleveland, Financial World Magazine, Harvard Business Club, the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland, and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Albert Ratner Papers collection consists of an album, articles, awards, books, CDs, certificates, a checkbook, correspondence, eulogies, greeting cards, letters, magazines, newspapers, newspaper clippings, notes, an obituary, photographs, programs, a report, a resume, a songbook, speeches, and tapes. 
 Call #:  MS 5442 
 Extent:  2.6 linear feet (4 boxes) 
 Subjects:  Ratner, Albert B., 1927- | Ratner family | Jewish businesspeople -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Philanthropists -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Forest City Enterprises, Inc.
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