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Willoughby Medical College. in subject [X]
Henderson, John M. in subject [X]
Willoughby (Ohio) -- Genealogy. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Dr. John M. Henderson Papers     
 Creator:  Henderson, John M. 
 Dates:  1810-1892 
 Abstract:  Dr. John M. Henderson was an early pioneer of the Connecticut Western Reserve in Ohio, arriving sometime before 1813 in Chagrin Township, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. He established a successful medical practice and in 1834 co-founded the medical school of the Willoughby University, Willoughby, Ohio. He was a trustee, treasurer, and secretary of the Willoughby Medical College, and was awarded an honorary degree in 1837. He also served as a postmaster and justice of the peace of Chagrin Township, Cuyahoga County (later Willoughby, Lake County), Ohio. The collection consists of an account book, correspondence, election tickets, resolutions, bylaws, minutes, essays, petitions, and legal documents including agreements, receipts, bills, depositions, inventories, oaths, testimonies, summons, subpoenas, notes, bonds, judgements, writs, settlements, and executions. 
 Call #:  MS 0533 
 Extent:  0.40 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Henderson, John M. | Willoughby Medical College. | Medical colleges -- Ohio -- Willoughby. | Frontier and pioneer life -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. | Physicians -- Ohio -- Willoughby. | Court records -- Ohio -- Willoughby. | Willoughby (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. | Willoughby (Ohio) -- Genealogy. | Lake County (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. | Lake County (Ohio) -- Genealogy.
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